Developing a New Blueprint

Blueprints are at the core of how HELIX generates a build. A properly written Blueprint is generic, reusable, and flexible - designed to work well with many or few Components in many different configurations. Good Blueprints do not define program behavior other than some minimal control flow to set up callsites - that is left to the Components integrated with a Blueprint in a build.

Most developers will not need to write a Blueprint for HELIX - making use of the existing Blueprints built in to HELIX is sufficient for most usecases. However, HELIX is flexible enough to support practically any programming language and any build system - developers simply need to write a Blueprint for their target platform. To demonstrate this, this tutorial will guide you through the process of writing a new Blueprint to support Python.

Prior to following this tutorial, you’ll need to have a python package set up to extend HELIX (see Building a Python Package).

Writing the Blueprint

Similar to Components and Transforms, Blueprints are simply Python classes that implement the Blueprint interface.

Let’s start by adding a blueprints directory to our Python package with a python module for our new Blueprint. The package directory structure should look like the following:

├── helix_example/
│   ├── blueprints/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├──

Inside of we’ll create a simple Blueprint by subclassing Blueprint:


import os

from helix import blueprint
from helix import utils

class ExamplePythonBlueprint(blueprint.Blueprint):
    """An example Python blueprint."""

    name = "example-python"
    verbose_name = "Example Python Blueprint"
    type = "python"
    version = "1.0.0"
    description = "A simple Python blueprint"

    CALLSITE_STARTUP = "startup"
    """Called at program startup.

    Calls at this callsite are called once and expected to return.

    callsites = [CALLSITE_STARTUP]

    TEMPLATE = """${functions}

if __name__ == "__main__":

    def filename(self, directory):
        """Generate a build file name in the given directory.

            directory (str): The path to the build directory.

            The file path of the build file.

        return os.path.join(directory, "{}.py".format(self.build_name))

    def generate(self, directory):
        functions = "\n".join(self.functions)

        startup = self.calls.pop(self.CALLSITE_STARTUP, [])
        startup = "\n    ".join(startup) or "pass"

        source = utils.substitute(self.TEMPLATE, functions=functions, startup=startup)

        with open(self.filename(directory), "w") as f:

    def compile(self, directory, options):
        """Nothing to do here.

        Python is an interpreted language, so we don't really need to do
        anything in the ``compile()`` step. We still need to pass the build
        artifacts to the output, however.

        return [self.filename(directory)]

Blueprints have three main components:

1. A set of callsites - where components may register calls to functions that they define.

2. A generate method which generates source code from the collection of Components provided, using the functions and calls properties of the Blueprint class. These properties aggregate functions and calls provided by all of the included Components. Source code is written to the given directory path and a list of source files is returned.

3. A compile method which compiles the given directory of source files and returns a list of build artifacts. In this case, since Python is not compiled, this simply returns the path to the generated Python file.

This simple Python Blueprint defines a single callsite called startup and generates a single python file in the target directory with all included functions and calls to startup functions in __main__.

Note that the Blueprint does not need to be concerned with how or when Transforms are applied. HELIX will apply Transforms automatically during build based on their type - Blueprints simply need to know how to generate valid source code from Components and compile that source code into build artifacts.


It’s generally good practice to define callsite names as constants on the Blueprint class for easier use by Components (e.g., CALLSITE_STARTUP).

Registering the Blueprint

Similar to Components and Transforms, Blueprints must be added to the entrypoint group helix.blueprints in our Python package’s Make the following change to


    "helix.blueprints": [
        "example-python = helix_example.blueprints.python:ExamplePythonBlueprint"


Similar to Components and Transforms, the name property of our new Blueprint must match the name of the entrypoint.

To update the entrypoint list, reinstall the Python package (even if you installed it in editable mode):

pip install .

Check that our new Blueprint is registered with the HELIX CLI:

Available Blueprints
    Example Python Blueprint (1.0.0) [example-python]

Finally, build an empty example-python Blueprint to make sure that it works:

helix build blueprint example-python ./example

Take a look at the generated Python script - it’s not particularly interesting right now but we’ll add a Component for our new Blueprint next.

Writing a Component for the Blueprint

Let’s create a minimal Component to test our new Blueprint in much the same way we created our first Component in Writing Your First Component.

First, let’s add a new module to the components directory of our Python package called python to house our new Component. The package directory structure should look like the following:

├── helix_example/
│   ├── components/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   ├──

Inside of we’ll create a simple Component:


from helix import component

class ExamplePythonComponent(component.Component):
    """An example Python component."""

    name = "example-python-component"
    verbose_name = "Example Python Component"
    type = "example"
    version = "1.0.0"
    description = "An example Python component"
    date = "2020-10-20 12:00:00.000000"
    tags = (("group", "example"),)

    blueprints = ["example-python"]

    functions = [
        """def ${example}():
    print("hello world")
    calls = {"startup": ["${example}()"]}
    globals = ["example"]

This is a very simple Component that defines one function that prints “hello world” and registers a call to it at the startup callsite.

Next, we need to register the new Component with the helix.components entrypoint group. Make the following change to


    "helix.components": [
        "example-python-component = helix_example.components.python:ExamplePythonComponent",

To update the entrypoint list, resintall the Python package (even if you installed it in editable mode):

pip install .

Check that the new Component is registerd with the HELIX CLI:

helix list

The output should include the new Component:

Available Components:
    Example Python Component (1.0.0) [example-python-component]

Now we can test our new Blueprint with the new Component:

helix build blueprint example-python ./example -c example-python-component

The generated Python script should simply print “hello world” and exit.

Adding Another Callsite

Blueprints are not limited to exposing only a single, trivial callsite. Blueprints can evoke very sophistocated behavior from their Components by exposing multiple different types of callsites. To demonstrate this, let’s add another callsite to our Blueprint called loop which is called repeatedly inside of a loop defined in the Blueprint.

Make the following changes to the Blueprint:

# blueprints/


Class ExamplePythonBlueprint(blueprint.Blueprint):

    CALLSITE_LOOP = "loop"
    """Called every five seconds, indefinitely.

    Calls this callsite repeatedly, inside of a loop, until the program is



    TEMPLATE = """import time


if __name__ == "__main__":

    while True:


def generate(self, directory):

    loop = self.calls.pop(self.CALLSITE_LOOP, [])
    loop = "\n        ".join(loop) or "break"


    source = utils.substitute(
        self.TEMPLATE, functions=functions, startup=startup, loop=loop


Note that we’ve chosen to set the loop template parameter to break if no calls are registered at that callsite. This makes our Blueprint more flexible - if no calls are registered for the loop callsite the Blueprint will simply break out of its infinte loop.

Next, let’s update the simple testing Component for this Blueprint to make use of the new callsite. Make the following changes to the Component:

# components/


class ExamplePythonComponent(component.Component):

    functions = [
        """from datetime import datetime

def ${now}():


    calls = {
        "loop": ["${now}()"],


    globals = ["example", "now"]

This adds a single function which prints the current date and time and adds a call at the loop callsite to that new function.

After reinstalling the python package (if not installed in editable mode), we can now create a new build with our updated Blueprint and Component:

helix build blueprint example-python ./example -c example-python-component

You should now have a Python script that prints “hello world” once and then repeatedly prints the current time every five seconds indefinitely.


Blueprint Flexibility: When developing new Blueprints, it can be tempting to add a lot of project structure and even some core program functionality to Blueprints by implementing various callsites. A best practice is to limit the functionality inside of a Blueprint to only control flow and ensure that all callsites are optional. Remember: callsites must be able to support zero or more calls from components. A generic Blueprint is a reusble Blueprint.

Adding Dependencies

Specifying Blueprint dependencies can be done in the same way as specifying Component dependencies (see Adding Dependencies).

Testing the Blueprint

Writing unit tests for Transforms can be done in the same way as writing unit tests for Components (see Testing the Component).