Using the HELIX CLI

Once HELIX is installed, you can use the HELIX CLI by simply running:

helix <command>

You can list all of the installed Blueprints, Components, and Transforms with:

helix list

After installing the required dependencies (see Additional Dependencies) for Blueprints, Components, and Transforms, you can generate HELIX builds with the build command. For example, to build the cmake-cpp Blueprint with the configuration-example Component and the strip Transform and write the output to ./example, run:

helix build blueprint cmake-cpp ./example \
    -c configuration-example:second_word=foo \
    -t strip

This should output a message listing the relevant metadata tags and the built artifacts (in this case, a single, UPX-packed binary that simply prints “hello foo”).


For more detail on the build command and additional examples, see Building.

HELIX also includes some simple dataset generation tools. To generate a dataset of 25 samples consisting of 3 Components each using the random strategy and selecting Components from a few different configurations of the example Components, run:

helix dataset-similarity random dataset \
    --sample-count 25 \
    --component-count 3 \
    -c minimal-example \
    configuration-example:first_word=hello,second_word=world \
    configuration-example:first_word=bonjour,second_word='le monde' \
    configuration-example:first_word=ciao,second_word=mondo \
    configuration-example:first_word=hola,second_word=mundo \
    configuration-example:first_word=hallo,second_word=welt \
    -t strip


For more detail on the dataset commands and additional examples, see Dataset Generation.